NavRax Pharmaceuticals UK is committed to providing high quality sustained release medicines with significant cost savings to the NHS.
NavRax Pharmaceuticals UK is committed to providing high quality sustained release medicines with significant cost savings to the NHS.
We offer patients high quality life-improving medicines making the difference to their lives by providing value added pharmaceutical products.
We also encourage appropriate use of opioid medicines in pain management, as outlined in Public Health England’s “Opioids Aware” resource.
If you have been prescribed an NavRax Pharmaceuticals medication, you can view the patient information leaflets for our products here
If you have any questions about your NavRax Pharmaceuticals medication, please contact your healthcare provider, or NavRax Pharmaceuticals UK medical information on +44 (0) 7520 631 193 (please note that we are not able to provide medical advice).
If you want to learn more about our products, click here.
References: Public Health England: Opioids Aware – a resource for patients and healthcare professionals to support prescribing of opioid medicines for pain.
Available at
England & Wales
The data in this dashboard includes General Practice Prescribing Data - NHS prescriptions that are prescribed in England & Wales by GPs, and non medical prescribers that have prescribed on behalf of the GP practice, that are then dispensed in the community.
NHS Prescription Services, part of the NHS Business Services Authority (BSA), is the provider of the England data and NHS Wales Shared Partnerships Services is the provider of the Wales data.
This public sector information is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
The cost model compares NavRax Pharmaceuticals products to alternative products. Only comparable doses of alternative products, which can be clearly identified in the NHS prescription data, are used in the model.
The data in this dashboard includes General Practice Prescribing Data - NHS prescriptions that are prescribed in Scotland by GPs, and non medical prescribers that have prescribed on behalf of the GP practice, that are then dispensed in the community.
ISD, NHS Scotland is the provider of the data.
This public sector information is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
The cost model compares NavRax Pharmaceuticals products to alternative products. Only comparable doses of alternative products, which can be clearly identified in the NHS prescription data, are used in the model.