Report Adverse Events (Side effects)
At NavRax Pharmaceuticals we want to hear from you
For Medical Information, Pharmacovigilance and Product Quality Complaints, please use the contact details indicated below:
Pharmacoviglance / Side Effects
For all types of Business Enquiries
For UK General Sales, Ordering and Customer Service
UK Hospital queries regarding licensed products
North West & Eastern & London North; South East & London South; Yorkshire & North East; Northern Ireland; BMI Group
Northwest and Eastern & London North; Northern Ireland; BMI
Phone: +44 (0) 1628 551 961
South East & London South and Yorkshire & North East; Scotland
Phone: +44 (0) 1628 195 560
Central & South West; Wales; Scotland; Spire Group; Ramsay Group; HCA Group; Nuffield
Phone: +44 (0) 1628 195 574